Keep Calm and Be Social


I believe the rise of social media is fairly new and it continues to grow tremendously and has a major effect on the lives of consumers. So, it is only natural that company’s are active on the same mediums that are gaining the attention of consumers.

Due to the rise of social media, some companies may not know how to be socially active with consumers on social media and there are still a lot of companies that do not want to take part in social media, as well.

Lee Odden, wrote an interesting article entitled “Why do so Many Companies Suck at Social Media?” Odden points out that companies who fail at social media are not doing the following:

1. Listening
2. Creating
3. Engaging
4. Being open
5. Being brave
6. Testing
7. Changing
8. Making money

In order for companies to be successful in social media, they need to be creative and find out what works for them and their target audience.

“That’s a big part of the problem. Companies that are trying to understand how the social web can work for them are looking for specific formulas like we’ve been able to do with Email, Direct Mail, Advertising and even Search Marketing. The idea that a particular promotion worked for one company, therefore it should work for us too, doesn’t hold water. Companies need to figure out what works best for the social channels, media and content that best resonates with their customers.”