The popularity of unofficial blogs

blog demo

According to Sysmos, most blog posts are written by the younger generation between the ages of 21 to 35 years old.

Unofficial company blogs are very powerful amongst consumers. It gives a sense of honesty, transparency, and open dialogue for the company that is being blogged about. It some ways people may feel as though this may hurt or help a company. It gives a chance for consumers to voice their concerns, gives tips/advice, stay active with other consumers, and to even praise the company. Either way, this will allow the company to improve or expand on different aspects of their business.

Blogger, Natalie Brown gives posted a blog about the Do’s and Dont’s of blogging and social media. Brown says that she loves blogging because of the connection:

Do I love blogging? The simple answer is yes. Why do I love blogging? In one word; connecting. Connecting with others that relate to the words I have written in a post and vice versa. I too connect with the words written by another blogger. Sometimes an avid discussion may occur in the comments, different points of view offer insights into a topic I may have just been discussing solely from what I know. In hearing a variety of opinions; it helps my work, my studies and opens my mind to what readers are thinking and feeling on particular subjects. It gives me a bigger picture. It shows me what it may be like in someone else’s shoes.

Creating a successful blog is not an easy task but it stems from the consumers. Check out a post on MarketingProfs title “Passionate About Your Product: What Brands Can Learn From Unofficial Bloggers” It is a great conversation that the authors has with a popular Starbucks unofficial blogger, Melody Overton.